Littafin jumla

ha Jiya Yau Gobe   »   em Yesterday – today – tomorrow

10 [goma]

Jiya Yau Gobe

Jiya Yau Gobe

10 [ten]

Yesterday – today – tomorrow

Zaɓi yadda kuke son ganin fassarar:   
Hausa English (US) Wasa Kara
Jiya Asabar. Yeste---y -as -----d-y. Y________ w__ S________ Y-s-e-d-y w-s S-t-r-a-. ----------------------- Yesterday was Saturday. 0
Jiya ina cikin fina-finai. I--a--at-t----i-em--y-----d--. I w__ a_ t__ c_____ y_________ I w-s a- t-e c-n-m- y-s-e-d-y- ------------------------------ I was at the cinema yesterday. 0
Fim ɗin ya kasance mai ban shaawa. T-e f----w-- inte-e-ti--. T__ f___ w__ i___________ T-e f-l- w-s i-t-r-s-i-g- ------------------------- The film was interesting. 0
Yau Lahadi. To--- -s-S---a-. T____ i_ S______ T-d-y i- S-n-a-. ---------------- Today is Sunday. 0
Yau ba na aiki. I’- n----o--in- toda-. I__ n__ w______ t_____ I-m n-t w-r-i-g t-d-y- ---------------------- I’m not working today. 0
Ina zama a gida. I’- stayi-g-----o-e. I__ s______ a_ h____ I-m s-a-i-g a- h-m-. -------------------- I’m staying at home. 0
Gobe ​​Litinin. T-m--ro- is--on--y. T_______ i_ M______ T-m-r-o- i- M-n-a-. ------------------- Tomorrow is Monday. 0
Zan dawo bakin aiki gobe. T-m--row --w-ll---r--a----. T_______ I w___ w___ a_____ T-m-r-o- I w-l- w-r- a-a-n- --------------------------- Tomorrow I will work again. 0
Ina aiki a ofis. I wor- -- -n-o---c-. I w___ a_ a_ o______ I w-r- a- a- o-f-c-. -------------------- I work at an office. 0
Wanene wannan? W-- -- t---? W__ i_ t____ W-o i- t-a-? ------------ Who is that? 0
Wannan shine Bitrus. T--t is-P--er. T___ i_ P_____ T-a- i- P-t-r- -------------- That is Peter. 0
Pete dalibi ne. P---- -s-a s-u--n-. P____ i_ a s_______ P-t-r i- a s-u-e-t- ------------------- Peter is a student. 0
Wanene wannan? Who--- -h-t? W__ i_ t____ W-o i- t-a-? ------------ Who is that? 0
Wannan ita ce Marta. Th-- -s M-r-ha. T___ i_ M______ T-a- i- M-r-h-. --------------- That is Martha. 0
Martha sakatariya ce. M-r--a--s----ecre-ar-. M_____ i_ a s_________ M-r-h- i- a s-c-e-a-y- ---------------------- Martha is a secretary. 0
Bitrus da Marta abokai ne. Pe-er-an---ar-h------fr----s. P____ a__ M_____ a__ f_______ P-t-r a-d M-r-h- a-e f-i-n-s- ----------------------------- Peter and Martha are friends. 0
Bitrus shine saurayin Martha. Pete- -s -art--’s --ien-. P____ i_ M_______ f______ P-t-r i- M-r-h-’- f-i-n-. ------------------------- Peter is Martha’s friend. 0
Martha ita ce budurwar Bitrus. Mar--a-is--e----s fr--n-. M_____ i_ P______ f______ M-r-h- i- P-t-r-s f-i-n-. ------------------------- Martha is Peter’s friend. 0


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