Littafin jumla

ha Alƙawari   »   em Appointment

24 [ashirin da hudu]



24 [twenty-four]


Zaɓi yadda kuke son ganin fassarar:   
Hausa English (US) Wasa Kara
kun rasa bas din D-d--o- -iss-t-- ---? D__ y__ m___ t__ b___ D-d y-u m-s- t-e b-s- --------------------- Did you miss the bus? 0
Ina jiran ku tsawon rabin saa. I----------r-y-u for---lf an -ou-. I w_____ f__ y__ f__ h___ a_ h____ I w-i-e- f-r y-u f-r h-l- a- h-u-. ---------------------------------- I waited for you for half an hour. 0
Ba ku da wayar salula tare da ku? D-n’t--o- h--e a -ob--e --c-ll--------a-.)---t- -o-? D____ y__ h___ a m_____ / c___ p____ (____ w___ y___ D-n-t y-u h-v- a m-b-l- / c-l- p-o-e (-m-) w-t- y-u- ---------------------------------------------------- Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you? 0
Kasance akan lokaci na gaba! Be-p-n-tu----e-t t-m-! B_ p_______ n___ t____ B- p-n-t-a- n-x- t-m-! ---------------------- Be punctual next time! 0
Ɗauki tasi na gaba! Ta-- a -a-i--e-t---m-! T___ a t___ n___ t____ T-k- a t-x- n-x- t-m-! ---------------------- Take a taxi next time! 0
Kawo laima lokaci na gaba! T-----n umb------wi---y-u next tim-! T___ a_ u_______ w___ y__ n___ t____ T-k- a- u-b-e-l- w-t- y-u n-x- t-m-! ------------------------------------ Take an umbrella with you next time! 0
Gobe ​​na tafi. I -a-e-the-d-- o-- t----row. I h___ t__ d__ o__ t________ I h-v- t-e d-y o-f t-m-r-o-. ---------------------------- I have the day off tomorrow. 0
gobe zamu hadu? S---l--- -e-t -om-rr-w? S____ w_ m___ t________ S-a-l w- m-e- t-m-r-o-? ----------------------- Shall we meet tomorrow? 0
Yi hakuri, ba zan iya gobe ba. I-----r-y--- c--’t --ke ----om-rr-w. I__ s_____ I c____ m___ i_ t________ I-m s-r-y- I c-n-t m-k- i- t-m-r-o-. ------------------------------------ I’m sorry, I can’t make it tomorrow. 0
Kuna da shirye-shiryen wannan karshen mako? D- you-alread----v---lans --r-t-is----ke-d? D_ y__ a______ h___ p____ f__ t___ w_______ D- y-u a-r-a-y h-v- p-a-s f-r t-i- w-e-e-d- ------------------------------------------- Do you already have plans for this weekend? 0
Ko kun riga kuna da kwanan wata? Or--- you -l---dy h-v--a- appoi------? O_ d_ y__ a______ h___ a_ a___________ O- d- y-u a-r-a-y h-v- a- a-p-i-t-e-t- -------------------------------------- Or do you already have an appointment? 0
Ina ba da shawarar mu hadu a karshen mako. I ----est----t -e-me-- -n t-e week-nd. I s______ t___ w_ m___ o_ t__ w_______ I s-g-e-t t-a- w- m-e- o- t-e w-e-e-d- -------------------------------------- I suggest that we meet on the weekend. 0
Za mu yi fikinik? Sh--- w- ha-- - --c---? S____ w_ h___ a p______ S-a-l w- h-v- a p-c-i-? ----------------------- Shall we have a picnic? 0
Za mu je bakin ruwa? S-al---e g---o---e -e--h? S____ w_ g_ t_ t__ b_____ S-a-l w- g- t- t-e b-a-h- ------------------------- Shall we go to the beach? 0
Za mu je duwatsu? Sh--l--e -o to-t-----un-----? S____ w_ g_ t_ t__ m_________ S-a-l w- g- t- t-e m-u-t-i-s- ----------------------------- Shall we go to the mountains? 0
Zan dauke ku daga ofis. I wi-- -i-k yo- up at the ---ic-. I w___ p___ y__ u_ a_ t__ o______ I w-l- p-c- y-u u- a- t-e o-f-c-. --------------------------------- I will pick you up at the office. 0
Zan dauke ku daga gida. I-w---------y-u u--at--o--. I w___ p___ y__ u_ a_ h____ I w-l- p-c- y-u u- a- h-m-. --------------------------- I will pick you up at home. 0
Zan dauke ku a tashar bas. I w-l- p-ck-----u- at --e --s--top. I w___ p___ y__ u_ a_ t__ b__ s____ I w-l- p-c- y-u u- a- t-e b-s s-o-. ----------------------------------- I will pick you up at the bus stop. 0


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