Littafin jumla

ha A cikin gidan abinci 1   »   em At the restaurant 1

29 [ashirin da tara]

A cikin gidan abinci 1

A cikin gidan abinci 1

29 [twenty-nine]

At the restaurant 1

Zaɓi yadda kuke son ganin fassarar:   
Hausa English (US) Wasa Kara
Tebur kyauta ne? I- -his---bl---ak--? I_ t___ t____ t_____ I- t-i- t-b-e t-k-n- -------------------- Is this table taken? 0
Ina son menu don Allah I wo-ld--i-e the---n-, p-ea--. I w____ l___ t__ m____ p______ I w-u-d l-k- t-e m-n-, p-e-s-. ------------------------------ I would like the menu, please. 0
Me za ku iya ba da shawara? Wh-t w--l- -o- r-co-m--d? W___ w____ y__ r_________ W-a- w-u-d y-u r-c-m-e-d- ------------------------- What would you recommend? 0
Ina son giya I’d l--e-a bee-. I__ l___ a b____ I-d l-k- a b-e-. ---------------- I’d like a beer. 0
Ina son ruwan maadinai I’d-like-a --n-r---wa-er. I__ l___ a m______ w_____ I-d l-k- a m-n-r-l w-t-r- ------------------------- I’d like a mineral water. 0
Ina son ruwan lemu I’d -ike--- ----ge--u-c-. I__ l___ a_ o_____ j_____ I-d l-k- a- o-a-g- j-i-e- ------------------------- I’d like an orange juice. 0
Ina so in sha kofi I’d-li-e a c-f--e. I__ l___ a c______ I-d l-k- a c-f-e-. ------------------ I’d like a coffee. 0
Ina son kofi mai madara I’d--ik- - c---ee --t- ---k. I__ l___ a c_____ w___ m____ I-d l-k- a c-f-e- w-t- m-l-. ---------------------------- I’d like a coffee with milk. 0
Tare da sukari, don Allah. Wi-- s-gar,-p---s-. W___ s_____ p______ W-t- s-g-r- p-e-s-. ------------------- With sugar, please. 0
Ina son shayi I’--l-k------a. I__ l___ a t___ I-d l-k- a t-a- --------------- I’d like a tea. 0
Ina son shayi da lemo I’d ---e a --a-w-th-l-mon. I__ l___ a t__ w___ l_____ I-d l-k- a t-a w-t- l-m-n- -------------------------- I’d like a tea with lemon. 0
Ina son shayi da madara I-- like - -e--wit--m-lk. I__ l___ a t__ w___ m____ I-d l-k- a t-a w-t- m-l-. ------------------------- I’d like a tea with milk. 0
Kuna da sigari? D- -ou-hav- --g---t--s? D_ y__ h___ c__________ D- y-u h-v- c-g-r-t-e-? ----------------------- Do you have cigarettes? 0
Kuna da toka? Do--o--ha-e-an--s--ray? D_ y__ h___ a_ a_______ D- y-u h-v- a- a-h-r-y- ----------------------- Do you have an ashtray? 0
kina da wuta? Do -ou--av--- -ight? D_ y__ h___ a l_____ D- y-u h-v- a l-g-t- -------------------- Do you have a light? 0
Na rasa cokali mai yatsa I-m-mis--n--a -o-k. I__ m______ a f____ I-m m-s-i-g a f-r-. ------------------- I’m missing a fork. 0
Ina bata wuka I’- mi--i-- ---nife. I__ m______ a k_____ I-m m-s-i-g a k-i-e- -------------------- I’m missing a knife. 0
Ina rasa cokali. I’- -iss-n--- s----. I__ m______ a s_____ I-m m-s-i-g a s-o-n- -------------------- I’m missing a spoon. 0


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