Gwaji 66

Kwanan wata:
Lokacin da aka kashe akan gwaji::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Danna kalma
1. Countries and Languages
ሀገሮች አና   See hint
2. Who is that?
ነው / ያቺ ናት?   See hint
3. It is sunny.
ፀሐያማ   See hint
4. Where did you learn Spanish?
የት ነው የተማሩት?   See hint
5. The TV isn’t working.
ተበላሽቷል።   See hint
6. I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.
ከኮፐንሃገን መመለሻ እፈልጋለው።   See hint
7. Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
ይዘዋል?   See hint
8. At the cinema
በፊልም   See hint
9. I am getting out of the water now.
እኔ ውስጥ እየወጣው ነው።   See hint
10. I have a doctor’s appointment.
የዶክተር ቀጠሮ   See hint