Gwaji 59

Kwanan wata:
Lokacin da aka kashe akan gwaji::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Danna kalma
1. He learns German.
uči njemački.   See hint
2. The film was interesting.
Film bio interesantan.   See hint
3. The winter is cold.
Zima hladna.   See hint
4. Do you travel a lot?
Putujete mnogo?   See hint
5. There is no TV in the room.
Nema televizora sobi.   See hint
6. When does the train arrive in Vienna?
Kada stiže u Beč?   See hint
7. I have no more petrol / gas (am.).
Nemam više ,   See hint
8. Could you recommend something?
Možete li nešto preporučiti?   See hint
9. Where is the changing room?
Gdje je za presvlačenje?   See hint
10. to be hungry
gladan   See hint