Gwaji 66

Kwanan wata:
Lokacin da aka kashe akan gwaji::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Danna kalma
1. Countries and Languages
Zemlje jezici   See hint
2. Who is that?
Ko to?   See hint
3. It is sunny.
Sunčano ,   See hint
4. Where did you learn Spanish?
ste naučili španski?   See hint
5. The TV isn’t working.
Televizor pokvaren.   See hint
6. I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.
Htio / bih povratnu kartu do Kopenhagena.   See hint
7. Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
li sa sobom mobitel?   See hint
8. At the cinema
kinu   See hint
9. I am getting out of the water now.
sada van iz vode.   See hint
10. I have a doctor’s appointment.
Ja imam termin kod doktora.   See hint