Gwaji 4

Kwanan wata:
Lokacin da aka kashe akan gwaji::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Danna kalma
1. the man
2. seven, eight, nine
tujuh, , sembilan   See hint
3. She works at an office.
Dia bekerja kantor.   See hint
4. Who does the dishes?
Siapa yang piring dan gelas?   See hint
5. How do I get to the airport?
cara saya ke bandara?   See hint
6. I’d like something that won’t take much time.
Saya ingin yang dimasak tidak terlalu lama.   See hint
7. Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?
Bus mana pergi ke pusat kota?   See hint
8. Where do I have to change?
Di mana harus ganti bus?   See hint
9. How long is the tour?
Berapa tur berlangsung?   See hint
10. Do you want to take a road map?
kamu mau membawa peta?   See hint