Gwaji 7

Kwanan wata:
Lokacin da aka kashe akan gwaji::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Danna kalma
1. a family
uma   See hint
2. He counts.
conta.   See hint
3. He studies at the university.
Ele na universidade.   See hint
4. What do you want to cook today?
O que quer cozinhar hoje?   See hint
5. I need a city map.
preciso de um mapa.   See hint
6. Would you like that with potatoes?
Quer isto batatas?   See hint
7. You have to get off here.
Tem sair aqui.   See hint
8. I would like a guide who speaks French.
Eu quero guia que fala francês.   See hint
9. Remember to take pants, shirts and socks.
Lembre-se das , das camisas, das meias.   See hint
10. We’re looking for a butcher shop.
Nós estamos por um açougue.   See hint