Test 75

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Glavni gradovi su veliki i bučni.
Capital cities big and noisy.   See hint
2. travanj, svibanj i lipanj.
April, and June.   See hint
3. Iza kuće je vrt.
There is garden behind the house.   See hint
4. Imate mali akcent.
You only a slight accent.   See hint
5. Molim Vas, htio / htjela bih jelovnik.
I would the menu, please.   See hint
6. Gdje su kola za spavanje?
Where is sleeper?   See hint
7. Gdje ovdje ima dobar restoran?
Is there good restaurant around here?   See hint
8. Film je bio napet.
The was exciting.   See hint
9. Hoću u knjižaru da kupim knjigu.
I want go the bookstore buy a book.   See hint
10. Stalno me bole leđa.
always have back pain.   See hint