Test 50

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Mi smo u školi.
We are school.   See hint
2. Peti dan je petak.
fifth day is Friday.   See hint
3. Trebamo mrkvu i rajčicu za juhu.
We need and tomatoes for the soup.   See hint
4. Ja sam prevoditelj.
I am translator.   See hint
5. Ovdje je moja prtljaga.
Here my luggage.   See hint
6. Kada polazi sljedeći vlak za Berlin?
When is next train to Berlin?   See hint
7. U redu je, ostatak je za Vas.
That is , please keep the change.   See hint
8. Što ima večeras u kazalištu?
What’s at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?   See hint
9. Idemo li na bazen?
Shall we to the swimming pool?   See hint
10. Bojati se.
to afraid   See hint