Test 58

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Učiš španjolski.
You Spanish.   See hint
2. Jučer sam bio / bila u kinu.
I was the cinema yesterday.   See hint
3. Ljeti rado idemo šetati.
We like go for a walk in summer.   See hint
4. Hoćete li popiti nešto?
Will you something?   See hint
5. Nema telefona u sobi.
There is telephone in the room.   See hint
6. Htio / htjela bih kartu za vlak za Bern.
I’d like ticket to Bern.   See hint
7. Trebam par litara dizela.
I a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel.   See hint
8. Želim sjediti posve naprijed.
I want sit at the front.   See hint
9. Gdje je tuš?
Where is shower?   See hint
10. Ona se ne dosađuje.
She not bored.   See hint