Test 66

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Zemlje i jezici
Countries Languages   See hint
2. Tko je to?
Who that?   See hint
3. Sunčano je.
It sunny.   See hint
4. Gdje ste naučili španjolski?
did you learn Spanish?   See hint
5. Televizor je pokvaren.
TV isn’t working.   See hint
6. Htio / htjela bih povratnu kartu za Kopenhagen.
I’d like return ticket to Copenhagen.   See hint
7. Imate li mobitel sa sobom?
Do have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?   See hint
8. U kinu
At cinema   See hint
9. Idem sada van iz vode.
I am out of the water now.   See hint
10. Imam termin kod liječnika.
I have doctor’s appointment.   See hint