Test 9

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Moja obitelj je ovdje.
My is here.   See hint
2. Dva. Drugi.
Two. second.   See hint
3. On pije kavu.
He is coffee.   See hint
4. Trebam li narezati luk?
I cut the onions?   See hint
5. Htio / htjela bih iznajmiti auto.
I would to rent a car.   See hint
6. Jelo je hladno.
The is cold.   See hint
7. Sljedeći metro dolazi za 5 minuta.
next train is in minutes.   See hint
8. Je li tržnica otvorena nedjeljom?
Is the open on Sundays?   See hint
9. Misli na pidžame, spavaćice i majice.
Remember to pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts.   See hint
10. Naime, želimo kupiti nogometnu loptu.
We want buy a football.   See hint