Test 18

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. otac
father   See hint
2. Oprostite!
3. Trešnja je crvena.
The is red.   See hint
4. Kuhaš li juhu u ovom loncu?
Are you the soup in this pot?   See hint
5. dvadeset i šest
6. Htjeli / htjele bismo doručkovati.
We would to have breakfast.   See hint
7. On se vozi biciklom.
He a bicycle.   See hint
8. Ima li popust za grupe?
Is there discount for groups?   See hint
9. Može li se ovdje iznajmiti ležaljku?
Can one a deck chair here?   See hint
10. Namjeravam, naime, kupiti prsten.
I actually to buy a ring.   See hint