Test 19

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. majka
mother   See hint
2. Koliko je sati, molim Vas?
time is it, please?   See hint
3. Nebo je plavo.
The is blue.   See hint
4. Pržiš li ribu u ovoj tavi?
Are you the fish in this pan?   See hint
5. Vidiš li tamo toranj?
Do you the tower there?   See hint
6. Htjeli / htjele bismo ručati.
We would to have lunch.   See hint
7. On ide pješice.
walks.   See hint
8. Ima li popust za djecu?
Is there discount for children?   See hint
9. Može li se ovdje posuditi čamac?
Can one a boat here?   See hint
10. Namjeravam, naime, kupiti film.
I actually to buy a roll of film.   See hint