Test 42

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Ovo je moja adresa.
Here my address.   See hint
2. Subota
3. Jedem tost s maslacem i marmeladom.
I am toast with butter and jam.   See hint
4. dvadeset i jedan
5. Koliko košta soba za jednu noć?
What does room cost per night?   See hint
6. Jedete li Vi rado i leću?
Do you like to eat lentils?   See hint
7. Meni se žuri.
in a hurry.   See hint
8. Tamo je restoran.
There is restaurant over there.   See hint
9. Tko će pobijediti?
Who winning?   See hint
10. Imam drage kolege.
I have colleagues.   See hint