Test 44

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. Žao mi je, imam već nešto drugo u planu.
am sorry, but already have plans.   See hint
2. Tjedan
week   See hint
3. Jedem sendvič s margarinom.
I am a sandwich with margarine.   See hint
4. On je stranac.
He is foreigner.   See hint
5. Htio / htjela bih sobu s tušem.
would like a room with a shower.   See hint
6. Jedeš li i ti rado brokulu?
Do you like to eat broccoli?   See hint
7. Molim Vas vozite sporije.
Please slowly.   See hint
8. Gdje su gorile i zebre?
are the gorillas and the zebras?   See hint
9. Trenutno je neriješeno.
is currently a tie.   See hint
10. Tražim radno mjesto.
I am for a job.   See hint