Test 91

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. On čita.
reads.   See hint
2. Ovdje je tulum.
is a party here.   See hint
3. Moj muž pere auto.
My husband washing the car.   See hint
4. Imaš li za ovaj vikend već nešto planirano?
Do you have plans for this weekend?   See hint
5. Nedostaje mi žlica.
missing a spoon.   See hint
6. Jesu li slobodna još dva mjesta?
there two seats available?   See hint
7. Imate li plan grada za mene?
Do you a city map for me?   See hint
8. Ne, radije neki drugi put.
, maybe some other time.   See hint
9. Trebam omotnice i papir za pisma.
need envelopes and stationery.   See hint
10. Muškarac pleše i smije se.
The man dancing and laughing.   See hint