Test 21

Vrijeme provedeno na testu::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


Kliknite na riječ
1. kćerka
daughter   See hint
2. Jedan je sat.
is one o’clock.   See hint
3. Zemlja je smeđa.
The is brown.   See hint
4. Postavljam stol.
am setting the table.   See hint
5. Vidiš li tamo selo?
Do you the village there?   See hint
6. Što biste htjeli / htjele za doručak?
What would like for breakfast?   See hint
7. On putuje čamcem.
He goes boat.   See hint
8. Kakva je to zgrada?
What is that?   See hint
9. Ja bih rado ronio / ronila.
would like to dive.   See hint
10. Tražim zlatara da kupim prsten.
looking for a jeweler to buy a ring.   See hint