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NumbersMost languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

Piraniya zimanan pergalên hejmarê hene, û ev dikarin hinekî cûda bibin. Bigerin da ku pergalên hejmarên balkêş ên ji çaraliyê cîhanê kifş bikin û fêr bibin.

Li ser hejmarek bikirtînin

number container
[أحد عشر]‬


number container
[اثنا عشر]‬


number container
[ثلاثة عشر]‬


number container
[أربعة عشر]‬


number container


number container
[ستة عشر]‬


number container
[سبعة عشر]‬


number container
[ثمانية عشر]‬


number container
[تسعة عشر]‬


number container
