
ku Malbat   »   em Family Members




2 [two]

Family Members

Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (US) Bazî Zêde
bapîr the -ra----th-r t__ g__________ t-e g-a-d-a-h-r --------------- the grandfather 0
dapîr th- gr-n-mo--er t__ g__________ t-e g-a-d-o-h-r --------------- the grandmother 0
ew û ew h--and-she h_ a__ s__ h- a-d s-e ---------- he and she 0
bav t-- -a-h-r t__ f_____ t-e f-t-e- ---------- the father 0
dayîk t-e--ot-er t__ m_____ t-e m-t-e- ---------- the mother 0
ew û ew h- -n----e h_ a__ s__ h- a-d s-e ---------- he and she 0
kur th- --n t__ s__ t-e s-n ------- the son 0
keç the d--ght-r t__ d_______ t-e d-u-h-e- ------------ the daughter 0
ew û ew he-a-d---e h_ a__ s__ h- a-d s-e ---------- he and she 0
bira t-----o--er t__ b______ t-e b-o-h-r ----------- the brother 0
xwîşk/Xweh t-e -i-t-r t__ s_____ t-e s-s-e- ---------- the sister 0
ew û ew h--a-- she h_ a__ s__ h- a-d s-e ---------- he and she 0
mam/ap t-- u-cle t__ u____ t-e u-c-e --------- the uncle 0
xalet/met the -u-t t__ a___ t-e a-n- -------- the aunt 0
ew û ew he---d s-e h_ a__ s__ h- a-d s-e ---------- he and she 0
Em malbatek in. We -re---f-m-ly. W_ a__ a f______ W- a-e a f-m-l-. ---------------- We are a family. 0
Malbat piçûk nîne. Th--fam--y is---- s--l-. T__ f_____ i_ n__ s_____ T-e f-m-l- i- n-t s-a-l- ------------------------ The family is not small. 0
Malbat mezin e. T-e--a-i-y -s b--. T__ f_____ i_ b___ T-e f-m-l- i- b-g- ------------------ The family is big. 0


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