
ku Reng   »   em Colors

14 [çardeh]



14 [fourteen]


Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (US) Bazî Zêde
Berf spî ye. S-o- -s white. S___ i_ w_____ S-o- i- w-i-e- -------------- Snow is white. 0
Tav zer e. T-e-sun----y-l--w. T__ s__ i_ y______ T-e s-n i- y-l-o-. ------------------ The sun is yellow. 0
Porteqal pirteqalî ye. Th- orang---s-o-a-g-. T__ o_____ i_ o______ T-e o-a-g- i- o-a-g-. --------------------- The orange is orange. 0
Gêlaz sor e. T---c-er---i----d. T__ c_____ i_ r___ T-e c-e-r- i- r-d- ------------------ The cherry is red. 0
Ezman şîn e. T-- sk--i--blu-. T__ s__ i_ b____ T-e s-y i- b-u-. ---------------- The sky is blue. 0
Çîmen kesk e. T-e----ss is -ree-. T__ g____ i_ g_____ T-e g-a-s i- g-e-n- ------------------- The grass is green. 0
Ax qehweyî ye. T---e--th--s -r---. T__ e____ i_ b_____ T-e e-r-h i- b-o-n- ------------------- The earth is brown. 0
Ewr gewr e. The c--ud-is-grey-/----- (am-). T__ c____ i_ g___ / g___ (_____ T-e c-o-d i- g-e- / g-a- (-m-)- ------------------------------- The cloud is grey / gray (am.). 0
Lastîk reş in. Th- ty------t-r---(-m-)---e-b---k. T__ t____ / t____ (____ a__ b_____ T-e t-r-s / t-r-s (-m-) a-e b-a-k- ---------------------------------- The tyres / tires (am.) are black. 0
Rengê berfê çi ye? Spî. W--t c-l------co-----a--) is t-- sn-w? Wh---. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ s____ W_____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e s-o-? W-i-e- --------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the snow? White. 0
Rengê tavê çi ye? Zer. W--t co-ou- /-col-- (-m-) i- -----un?--e----. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ s___ Y______ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e s-n- Y-l-o-. --------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the sun? Yellow. 0
Rengê porteqalê çi ye? Pirteqalî. Wh-- c--o---/-co-or (a-----s t-- ora-ge? -ra-g-. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ o______ O______ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e o-a-g-? O-a-g-. ------------------------------------------------ What colour / color (am.) is the orange? Orange. 0
Rengê gêlazê çi ye? Sor. What ---our-/ c-l-------- i----e--he-ry?-R--. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ c______ R___ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e c-e-r-? R-d- --------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the cherry? Red. 0
Rengê ezmên çi ye? Şîn. W--t colo-r-/-c-----(am.)--s-t-e---y?--l-e. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ s___ B____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e s-y- B-u-. ------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the sky? Blue. 0
Rengê çîmenê çi ye?Kesk. W-at --l-ur / c---r--am.) -s-----gra--?-G-e--. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ g_____ G_____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e g-a-s- G-e-n- ---------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the grass? Green. 0
Ax bi çi rengî ye? Qehweyî W-at colour -----or -a--- i- the-earth- Br-w-. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ e_____ B_____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e e-r-h- B-o-n- ---------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the earth? Brown. 0
Rengê ewran çi ye? Gewr. W--- co---r-- color (-m-) i- -he-c-o--? -----/-G-ay (--.-. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ i_ t__ c_____ G___ / G___ (_____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) i- t-e c-o-d- G-e- / G-a- (-m-)- ---------------------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) is the cloud? Grey / Gray (am.). 0
Lastîk bi çi rengî ne? Reş. W--t-c-l-u- /-co-or-(am---ar--th- ----s / tires-(a-.)? Bl--k. W___ c_____ / c____ (____ a__ t__ t____ / t____ (_____ B_____ W-a- c-l-u- / c-l-r (-m-) a-e t-e t-r-s / t-r-s (-m-)- B-a-k- ------------------------------------------------------------- What colour / color (am.) are the tyres / tires (am.)? Black. 0


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