
ku At the airport   »   en At the airport

35 [sî û pênc]

At the airport

At the airport

35 [thirty-five]

At the airport

Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (UK) Bazî Zêde
Ez dixwazim ji Atinayê re firînekê rezerve bikim. I’d-like -o bo-- a fl--h-------he-s. I’d like to book a flight to Athens. I-d l-k- t- b-o- a f-i-h- t- A-h-n-. ------------------------------------ I’d like to book a flight to Athens. 0
Ev firîne bê veguhêziye? Is it a-di-ec- -----t? Is it a direct flight? I- i- a d-r-c- f-i-h-? ---------------------- Is it a direct flight? 0
Ji kerema xwe re cihekî li ber camê, cihekî ku lê cixare nayê kişandin. A-w--dow -eat, n-----ok-----p----e. A window seat, non-smoking, please. A w-n-o- s-a-, n-n-s-o-i-g- p-e-s-. ----------------------------------- A window seat, non-smoking, please. 0
Ez dixwazim rezevasyona xwe bipejirînim. I wo-l- li-e-to-c-nfirm -- res---ation. I would like to confirm my reservation. I w-u-d l-k- t- c-n-i-m m- r-s-r-a-i-n- --------------------------------------- I would like to confirm my reservation. 0
Ez dixwazim rezervasyona xwe betal bikim. I -o-l- l-k-----c--ce- m- r-serv--i--. I would like to cancel my reservation. I w-u-d l-k- t- c-n-e- m- r-s-r-a-i-n- -------------------------------------- I would like to cancel my reservation. 0
Ez dixwazim rezervasyona xwe biguherînim. I -o-l- -ike-t---h-ng---- rese-va-io-. I would like to change my reservation. I w-u-d l-k- t- c-a-g- m- r-s-r-a-i-n- -------------------------------------- I would like to change my reservation. 0
Ji Romayê re balefira bê kengî radibe? Whe- -s--h--n-xt --i-ht -o--o--? When is the next flight to Rome? W-e- i- t-e n-x- f-i-h- t- R-m-? -------------------------------- When is the next flight to Rome? 0
Hîn jî du cihên vala hene? Are-----e-t-o-se---------abl-? Are there two seats available? A-e t-e-e t-o s-a-s a-a-l-b-e- ------------------------------ Are there two seats available? 0
Na, tenê cihekî me yê vala maye. N-- -----v- o-l- o---s-at av-i-ab--. No, we have only one seat available. N-, w- h-v- o-l- o-e s-a- a-a-l-b-e- ------------------------------------ No, we have only one seat available. 0
Em kengî dadikevin? W--n -- we l-n-? When do we land? W-e- d- w- l-n-? ---------------- When do we land? 0
Em kengî li wir in? W-e- will--- ---the-e? When will we be there? W-e- w-l- w- b- t-e-e- ---------------------- When will we be there? 0
Otobusa navenda bajêr kengî radibe? W--- -oe- a-b-s go--- -he c--y ce-tr--- -e-ter--a-.-? When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)? W-e- d-e- a b-s g- t- t-e c-t- c-n-r- / c-n-e- (-m-)- ----------------------------------------------------- When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)? 0
Ev valîzê we ye? Is -h-- your--u--cas-? Is that your suitcase? I- t-a- y-u- s-i-c-s-? ---------------------- Is that your suitcase? 0
Ev çente yê we ye? Is th-- ---r ---? Is that your bag? I- t-a- y-u- b-g- ----------------- Is that your bag? 0
Ev bagaja we ye? Is-th-t y-ur--u-g-ge? Is that your luggage? I- t-a- y-u- l-g-a-e- --------------------- Is that your luggage? 0
Ez dikarim çiqas bagaj li gel xwe wergirim. H-w -u-h lu-gag--ca- I t--e? How much luggage can I take? H-w m-c- l-g-a-e c-n I t-k-? ---------------------------- How much luggage can I take? 0
20 kîlo. Tw-n-y-kilo-. Twenty kilos. T-e-t- k-l-s- ------------- Twenty kilos. 0
Çi, tenê bîst kîlo? W-at?-Only -wen-y--ilos? What? Only twenty kilos? W-a-? O-l- t-e-t- k-l-s- ------------------------ What? Only twenty kilos? 0


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