
ku Amadehiyên gerê   »   em Preparing a trip

47 [çil û heft]

Amadehiyên gerê

Amadehiyên gerê

47 [forty-seven]

Preparing a trip

Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (US) Bazî Zêde
Divê tu bawulê me amade bikî! Yo--ha-e-to p--k-o-r s---ca-e! Y__ h___ t_ p___ o__ s________ Y-u h-v- t- p-c- o-r s-i-c-s-! ------------------------------ You have to pack our suitcase! 0
Divê tu tiştekî ji bîr nekî! D--’----rge- a-yt----! D____ f_____ a________ D-n-t f-r-e- a-y-h-n-! ---------------------- Don’t forget anything! 0
Ji te re bawulekî mezin divê! Y------- a b-- suit---e! Y__ n___ a b__ s________ Y-u n-e- a b-g s-i-c-s-! ------------------------ You need a big suitcase! 0
Pasaporta xwe ji bîr neke! Do-’---orget-yo-r -ass-ort! D____ f_____ y___ p________ D-n-t f-r-e- y-u- p-s-p-r-! --------------------------- Don’t forget your passport! 0
Bilêta xwe ye balefirê ji bîr neke! D-n-t-fo---- y-u----ck--! D____ f_____ y___ t______ D-n-t f-r-e- y-u- t-c-e-! ------------------------- Don’t forget your ticket! 0
Çekên xwe ye bankayê yên gerê ji bîr neke! D----------t y-ur tra--ller’s che--es / -ra----r’s-ch-----(am--! D____ f_____ y___ t__________ c______ / t_________ c_____ (_____ D-n-t f-r-e- y-u- t-a-e-l-r-s c-e-u-s / t-a-e-e-’- c-e-k- (-m-)- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)! 0
Krêma tavê wergire li gel xwe. Ta-- so-e sunt---lo-i------h -o-. T___ s___ s_____ l_____ w___ y___ T-k- s-m- s-n-a- l-t-o- w-t- y-u- --------------------------------- Take some suntan lotion with you. 0
Berçavka tavê wergire li gel xwe. Take-t----------s-es w--- you. T___ t__ s__________ w___ y___ T-k- t-e s-n-g-a-s-s w-t- y-u- ------------------------------ Take the sun-glasses with you. 0
Kumikekî tavê wergire li gel xwe. Tak- --e sun h-t with ---. T___ t__ s__ h__ w___ y___ T-k- t-e s-n h-t w-t- y-u- -------------------------- Take the sun hat with you. 0
Tu dixwazî nexşeyeke rê wergirî li gel xwe. Do --u---n--t--t--- - -----ma-? D_ y__ w___ t_ t___ a r___ m___ D- y-u w-n- t- t-k- a r-a- m-p- ------------------------------- Do you want to take a road map? 0
Tu dixwazî rêberekî/ê hildî li gel xwe? Do yo- -a-t -- t-ke a ---vel--ui--? D_ y__ w___ t_ t___ a t_____ g_____ D- y-u w-n- t- t-k- a t-a-e- g-i-e- ----------------------------------- Do you want to take a travel guide? 0
Tu dixwazî sîwanekê wergirî li gel xwe? Do --u-wan- -o ta-e-a- u--re---? D_ y__ w___ t_ t___ a_ u________ D- y-u w-n- t- t-k- a- u-b-e-l-? -------------------------------- Do you want to take an umbrella? 0
Şalan, goreyan, kirasan ji bîr neke. R-m--b-r--o-ta-- p-n-s, ----ts-a-d-so-k-. R_______ t_ t___ p_____ s_____ a__ s_____ R-m-m-e- t- t-k- p-n-s- s-i-t- a-d s-c-s- ----------------------------------------- Remember to take pants, shirts and socks. 0
Stubendan, qayîşan, çakêtan ji bîr neke. R---mb-- -- ta-e ti-----el-- an- -p---s---ck--s. R_______ t_ t___ t____ b____ a__ s_____ j_______ R-m-m-e- t- t-k- t-e-, b-l-s a-d s-o-t- j-c-e-s- ------------------------------------------------ Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets. 0
Bêcemayan, cilên şevê, tîşortan ji bîr neke. R--em--- -- -ake--yja--s,-nigh--ow---an--t-s-irt-. R_______ t_ t___ p_______ n_________ a__ t________ R-m-m-e- t- t-k- p-j-m-s- n-g-t-o-n- a-d t-s-i-t-. -------------------------------------------------- Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts. 0
Ji te re sol, fîlal û gîzme hewce ye. Y-u ne-- --o-s---an-al---nd bo-ts. Y__ n___ s_____ s______ a__ b_____ Y-u n-e- s-o-s- s-n-a-s a-d b-o-s- ---------------------------------- You need shoes, sandals and boots. 0
Ji te re paçik, sabûn û muçinkek hewce ye. Yo------ ha-d-e---i--s- --ap and-a-na-- --ip-er. Y__ n___ h_____________ s___ a__ a n___ c_______ Y-u n-e- h-n-k-r-h-e-s- s-a- a-d a n-i- c-i-p-r- ------------------------------------------------ You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper. 0
Ji te re şeyek, firçeya diranan û mecûna diranan hewce ye. You----d-a c-mb- a-to--hb---h a-d -o-th-aste. Y__ n___ a c____ a t_________ a__ t__________ Y-u n-e- a c-m-, a t-o-h-r-s- a-d t-o-h-a-t-. --------------------------------------------- You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste. 0


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