
ku pêwîstî pê hebûn- xwestin   »   en To need – to want to

69 [şêst û neh]

pêwîstî pê hebûn- xwestin

pêwîstî pê hebûn- xwestin

69 [sixty-nine]

To need – to want to

Hilbijêre ka hûn çawa dixwazin werger bibînin:   
Kurdî (Kurmancî) Îngilîzî (UK) Bazî Zêde
Ji min re nivînek pêwîst e. I n-ed --b-d. I n___ a b___ I n-e- a b-d- ------------- I need a bed. 0
Ez dixwazim rakevim. I--a-- -o-sl---. I w___ t_ s_____ I w-n- t- s-e-p- ---------------- I want to sleep. 0
Li vir nivînek heye? I- t--r--- -ed---r-? I_ t____ a b__ h____ I- t-e-e a b-d h-r-? -------------------- Is there a bed here? 0
Ji min re lambeyek pêwîst e. I--e---a-la-p. I n___ a l____ I n-e- a l-m-. -------------- I need a lamp. 0
Ez dixwazim bixwînim. I --n--to-----. I w___ t_ r____ I w-n- t- r-a-. --------------- I want to read. 0
Li vir lambeyek heye? Is-----e - ---p--e--? I_ t____ a l___ h____ I- t-e-e a l-m- h-r-? --------------------- Is there a lamp here? 0
Ji min re têlefonek pêwîst e. I-need-- ---ep-o--. I n___ a t_________ I n-e- a t-l-p-o-e- ------------------- I need a telephone. 0
Ez dixwazim têlefonê bikim. I -ant--- mak- - ---l. I w___ t_ m___ a c____ I w-n- t- m-k- a c-l-. ---------------------- I want to make a call. 0
Li vir têlefonek heye? Is --e---- --l-p-one h--e? I_ t____ a t________ h____ I- t-e-e a t-l-p-o-e h-r-? -------------------------- Is there a telephone here? 0
Ji min re qamerayek pêwîst e. I -eed-a-c-m-ra. I n___ a c______ I n-e- a c-m-r-. ---------------- I need a camera. 0
Ez dixwazim wêne bikêşim. I -a-t--o-t--e --o--g-aphs. I w___ t_ t___ p___________ I w-n- t- t-k- p-o-o-r-p-s- --------------------------- I want to take photographs. 0
Li vir qamerayek heye? Is --ere a c-------er-? I_ t____ a c_____ h____ I- t-e-e a c-m-r- h-r-? ----------------------- Is there a camera here? 0
Ji min re kombersek pêwîst e. I n-ed a -------r. I n___ a c________ I n-e- a c-m-u-e-. ------------------ I need a computer. 0
Ez dixwazim e-peyamekê bişînim. I -an- ---s--d a- -mail. I w___ t_ s___ a_ e_____ I w-n- t- s-n- a- e-a-l- ------------------------ I want to send an email. 0
Li vir kombersek heye? I- th-re-- com-u-er he--? I_ t____ a c_______ h____ I- t-e-e a c-m-u-e- h-r-? ------------------------- Is there a computer here? 0
Ji min re pênûseke bihibr pêwîst e. I -eed - pe-. I n___ a p___ I n-e- a p-n- ------------- I need a pen. 0
Ez dixwazim tiştekî binivîsim. I--a-t to-w-i-e-s-----ing. I w___ t_ w____ s_________ I w-n- t- w-i-e s-m-t-i-g- -------------------------- I want to write something. 0
Li vir pelek kaxiz û pênûseke bihibr heye? Is-t--r--a -heet-of--a--- and---p----e-e? I_ t____ a s____ o_ p____ a__ a p__ h____ I- t-e-e a s-e-t o- p-p-r a-d a p-n h-r-? ----------------------------------------- Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? 0


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