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40 [кырк]

Asking for directions

Asking for directions

40 [forty]

Asking for directions

Котормону кантип көргүңүз келгенин тандаңыз:   
кыргызча англисче (US) Ойноо Дагы
Кечиресиз! E---se-me! Excuse me! E-c-s- m-! ---------- Excuse me! 0
Мага жардам бере аласызбы? C-- --u---lp me? Can you help me? C-n y-u h-l- m-? ---------------- Can you help me? 0
Бул жерде жакшы ресторан кайда? I----e-e-a--o---r--t-----t --o-nd her-? Is there a good restaurant around here? I- t-e-e a g-o- r-s-a-r-n- a-o-n- h-r-? --------------------------------------- Is there a good restaurant around here? 0
Солго, бурчка өтүңүз. T-k--a-l-ft at--h- c---e-. Take a left at the corner. T-k- a l-f- a- t-e c-r-e-. -------------------------- Take a left at the corner. 0
Анан бир аз түз жүрүңүз. T-e---o-st-a-----fo-------le. Then go straight for a while. T-e- g- s-r-i-h- f-r a w-i-e- ----------------------------- Then go straight for a while. 0
Андан кийин жүз метр оңго өтүңүз. T--n g-----h- -or a ------d-me-re- ---et--s --m-). Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). T-e- g- r-g-t f-r a h-n-r-d m-t-e- / m-t-r- (-m-)- -------------------------------------------------- Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). 0
Ошондой эле автобуска түшсөңүз болот. Y-u -a---l---ta-- t-- ---. You can also take the bus. Y-u c-n a-s- t-k- t-e b-s- -------------------------- You can also take the bus. 0
Ошондой эле трамвайга түшсөңүз болот. Y-u can -----ta-- t-- tram. You can also take the tram. Y-u c-n a-s- t-k- t-e t-a-. --------------------------- You can also take the tram. 0
Ошондой эле, сиз жөн гана менин артымдан барсаңыз болот. Y-u can-a-s- ---l-- me wi-h-y-------. You can also follow me with your car. Y-u c-n a-s- f-l-o- m- w-t- y-u- c-r- ------------------------------------- You can also follow me with your car. 0
Футбол стадионуна кантип барам? How -o --g-t -----e-foo-b-l--- s----- -am-- stadi--? How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? H-w d- I g-t t- t-e f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-) s-a-i-m- ---------------------------------------------------- How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? 0
Көпүрөдөн өтүңүз! C-oss-----bridg-! Cross the bridge! C-o-s t-e b-i-g-! ----------------- Cross the bridge! 0
Туннел аркылуу айдаңыз! G- t--ou-----e -unnel! Go through the tunnel! G- t-r-u-h t-e t-n-e-! ---------------------- Go through the tunnel! 0
Үчүнчү светофорго чейин айдаңыз. D--v--u--i--you-reach th- ---rd-tr---i- -i-ht. Drive until you reach the third traffic light. D-i-e u-t-l y-u r-a-h t-e t-i-d t-a-f-c l-g-t- ---------------------------------------------- Drive until you reach the third traffic light. 0
Андан кийин, биринчи мүмкүнчүлүктө оңго буруңуз. T--- -urn-i--o---e ---s- -t--e- o- yo------h-. Then turn into the first street on your right. T-e- t-r- i-t- t-e f-r-t s-r-e- o- y-u- r-g-t- ---------------------------------------------- Then turn into the first street on your right. 0
Андан кийин түз эле кийинки кесилиштен өтүңүз. The- -r--e ----igh--thr-ugh--he---x- i--ers-c-i-n. Then drive straight through the next intersection. T-e- d-i-e s-r-i-h- t-r-u-h t-e n-x- i-t-r-e-t-o-. -------------------------------------------------- Then drive straight through the next intersection. 0
Кечиресиз, аэропортко кантип жетсем болот? Ex-u---m-, -o---o ----t--- t-e-a-rpor-? Excuse me, how do I get to the airport? E-c-s- m-, h-w d- I g-t t- t-e a-r-o-t- --------------------------------------- Excuse me, how do I get to the airport? 0
Метрого түшсөңүз жакшы болот. I---s--e---i- --u -----------de-g-o-n--/ ---w-------). It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). I- i- b-s- i- y-u t-k- t-e u-d-r-r-u-d / s-b-a- (-m-)- ------------------------------------------------------ It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). 0
Акыркы станцияга чейин айдаңыз. Si---y---t -ut--t---e -a-----op. Simply get out at the last stop. S-m-l- g-t o-t a- t-e l-s- s-o-. -------------------------------- Simply get out at the last stop. 0


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