
ky Conjunctions 3   »   em Conjunctions 3

96 [токсон алты]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Котормону кантип көргүңүз келгенин тандаңыз:   
кыргызча англисче (US) Ойноо Дагы
Ойготкуч шыңгыраары менен турам. I -et-up--s----- -s-t-e---ar- ri-g-. I get up as soon as the alarm rings. I g-t u- a- s-o- a- t-e a-a-m r-n-s- ------------------------------------ I get up as soon as the alarm rings. 0
Мен бир нерсе үйрөнүшүм керек болгондо, чарчап каламын. I-beco---ti--d-as--oon as I -ave to s-ud-. I become tired as soon as I have to study. I b-c-m- t-r-d a- s-o- a- I h-v- t- s-u-y- ------------------------------------------ I become tired as soon as I have to study. 0
Алтымышка чыксам, иштебеймин. I--i-l-s--p-w---in--as-so-- -s I-a- 60. I will stop working as soon as I am 60. I w-l- s-o- w-r-i-g a- s-o- a- I a- 6-. --------------------------------------- I will stop working as soon as I am 60. 0
Качан чаласыз? When --l- --u --l-? When will you call? W-e- w-l- y-u c-l-? ------------------- When will you call? 0
Бир аз убакыт болгондо эле. A- -oon -- I----e-a mo--nt. As soon as I have a moment. A- s-o- a- I h-v- a m-m-n-. --------------------------- As soon as I have a moment. 0
Ал убактысы болсо эле чалат. H-’-l--a-l--a------ a- -e-ha- a-----l--ti-e. He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. H-’-l c-l-, a- s-o- a- h- h-s a l-t-l- t-m-. -------------------------------------------- He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. 0
Качанга чейин иштейсиз? How--ong-wi-- -o--wor-? How long will you work? H-w l-n- w-l- y-u w-r-? ----------------------- How long will you work? 0
Колумдан келишинче иштей беремин. I-l- w-r- as l--g a- I can. I’ll work as long as I can. I-l- w-r- a- l-n- a- I c-n- --------------------------- I’ll work as long as I can. 0
Ден соолугум чың болсо эле, иштей беремин. I-ll w--- ---lo----- - am -ea----. I’ll work as long as I am healthy. I-l- w-r- a- l-n- a- I a- h-a-t-y- ---------------------------------- I’ll work as long as I am healthy. 0
Ал иштегендин ордуна төшөктө жатат. H- lies--- -e----s-e-d--f--or--n-. He lies in bed instead of working. H- l-e- i- b-d i-s-e-d o- w-r-i-g- ---------------------------------- He lies in bed instead of working. 0
Ал тамак жасагандын ордуна гезит окуп жатат. S-e -eads-t-e newspa-er-in--e-- -f ---ki-g. She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. S-e r-a-s t-e n-w-p-p-r i-s-e-d o- c-o-i-g- ------------------------------------------- She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. 0
Ал үйгө баргандын ордуна пабда отурат. H---- -- --- -a----s-ea- o--going -ome. He is at the bar instead of going home. H- i- a- t-e b-r i-s-e-d o- g-i-g h-m-. --------------------------------------- He is at the bar instead of going home. 0
Менин билишимче, ал ушул жерде жашайт. A--far-a- I-k--w- -e--i-es---r-. As far as I know, he lives here. A- f-r a- I k-o-, h- l-v-s h-r-. -------------------------------- As far as I know, he lives here. 0
Менин билишимче, анын аялы ооруп жатат. As---- a------------- w-fe-is ill. As far as I know, his wife is ill. A- f-r a- I k-o-, h-s w-f- i- i-l- ---------------------------------- As far as I know, his wife is ill. 0
Менин билишимче, ал жумушсуз. As-----as I --ow,----is --------e-. As far as I know, he is unemployed. A- f-r a- I k-o-, h- i- u-e-p-o-e-. ----------------------------------- As far as I know, he is unemployed. 0
Мен уктап калыптырмын, болбосо убагында келмекмин. I -ve-s----;---her-i-e-----ha-- bee--on-ti-e. I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. I o-e-s-e-t- o-h-r-i-e I-d h-v- b-e- o- t-m-. --------------------------------------------- I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. 0
Мен автобуска кечигип калыптырмын, болбосо убагында келмекмин. I-m-ss-d-the b--- --he---s- --d-h--- --en o---im-. I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. I m-s-e- t-e b-s- o-h-r-i-e I-d h-v- b-e- o- t-m-. -------------------------------------------------- I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. 0
Мен жолду таппадым, болбосо убагында бармакмын. I --dn-t find th-----------o- -os-;--therw----I-d-have-b-en on-tim-. I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. I d-d-’- f-n- t-e w-y / I g-t l-s-; o-h-r-i-e I-d h-v- b-e- o- t-m-. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. 0


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