Learn Catalan online for free
Learn Catalan quickly with the language course Catalan by "50LANGUAGES"

Learn Catalan - First words | |
Hi! | Hola! |
Hello! | Bon dia! |
How are you? | Com va? |
Good bye! | A reveure! |
Many structures of Catalan are similar to other Romance languages. But there are also a few features that do not occur in other languages.
Catalan speakers are very proud of their language.
Learning Catalan has been actively promoted by political groups for a few centuries. Learn Catalan - this language has a future!
Catalan is a member of the Romance language family. It is closely related to Spanish, French and Italian. It is spoken in Andorra, in the Catalonia
region of Spain and on the Balearic Islands. Catalan is also spoken in parts of Aragon and in Valencia. A total of 12 million people speak or
understand Catalan. The language arose between the 8th and 10th century in the Pyrenees region. It then spread to the south and east through
territorial conquests. It is important to note that Catalan is not a dialect of Spanish. It evolved from Vulgar Latin and is considered an
independent language. Therefore, Spaniards or Latin Americans do not automatically understand Catalan.
Learn Catalan with the Android and iPhone app "50LANGUAGES"
The "50 languages" Android or iPhone app is ideal for all those who want to learn offline. The app is available for Android phones and tablets as well as iPhones and iPads. The apps include all 100 free lessons from the 50LANGUAGES Catalan curriculum.
All tests and games are included in the app. The MP3 audio files by 50LANGUAGES are a part of our Catalan language course. Download all audios for free as MP3 files.
Text book - Learn Catalan for beginners
If you prefer to learn Catalan using printed materials, you can buy the book "Catalan for beginners" by 50LANGUAGES. You can buy it in any bookstore or online at Amazon.
Learn Catalan - fast and free with "50LANGUAGES"
50LANGUAGES offers everything you need to learn a new language. Online courses, apps, tests, games, vocabulary cards and much more. And it's free!
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