Learn Esperanto online for free
Learn Esperanto fast with the language course Esperanto by "50LANGUAGES"

Learn Esperanto - First words | |
Hi! | Saluton! |
Hello! | Bonan tagon! |
How are you? | Kiel vi? |
Good bye! | Ĝis revido! |
Esperanto is largely Indo-European oriented. The majority of the vocabulary, for example, is originally Romanian.
People in more than 120 countries are proficient in the language. They get together regularly in clubs and at international conventions. Learn Esperanto
and find new friends!
Esperanto is counted among the so called constructed languages. Constructed languages are deliberately created, so they follow a clear plan. Elements from
different languages are mixed in the process. In this way, constructed languages should be easy to learn for as many people as possible. Esperanto
was first introduced in Warsaw in 1887. Its founder was the doctor Ludwik L. Zamenhof (pseudonym: Dr. Esperanto, the Hopeful). He believed that
communication problems were the main cause of unhappiness. Therefore, he wanted to create a neutral language that brought people together. Today
Esperanto is the most well-known constructed language in the world. Esperanto is also associated with goals like tolerance and civil rights.
Learn Esperanto with the Android and iPhone app "50LANGUAGES"
The "50 languages" Android or iPhone app is ideal for all those who want to learn offline. The app is available for Android phones and tablets as well as iPhones and iPads. The apps include all 100 free lessons from the 50LANGUAGES Esperanto curriculum.
All tests and games are included in the app. The MP3 audio files by 50LANGUAGES are a part of our Esperanto language course. Download all audios for free as MP3 files.
Text book - Learn Esperanto for beginners
If you prefer to learn Esperanto using printed materials, you can buy the book "Esperanto for beginners" by 50LANGUAGES. You can buy it in any bookstore or online at Amazon.
Learn Esperanto - fast and free with "50LANGUAGES"
50LANGUAGES offers everything you need to learn a new language. Online courses, apps, tests, games, vocabulary cards and much more. And it's free!
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