Testas 20

Skirtas testui laikas::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Spustelėkite žodį
1. sūnus
son   See hint
2. Labai ačiū.
Thank very much.   See hint
3. Žolė (yra) žalia.
The grass green.   See hint
4. Ar (tu) kepi daržoves ant šit kepimo grotelių?
Are you the vegetables on this grill?   See hint
5. Ar matai ten kalną?
Do you the mountain there?   See hint
6. Norėtume vakarieniauti.
We would to have dinner.   See hint
7. Jis plaukia laivu.
He by ship.   See hint
8. Ar yra nuolaida studentams?
Is there discount for students?   See hint
9. (Aš) norėčiau plaukioti banglente.
would like to surf.   See hint
10. (Aš) žadu pirkti tortą.
I actually to buy a cake.   See hint