Buku frasa

ms Imperatif 1   »   em Imperative 1

89 [lapan puluh sembilan]

Imperatif 1

Imperatif 1

89 [eighty-nine]

Imperative 1

Pilih cara anda mahu melihat terjemahan:   
Malay English (US) Main Lagi
Awak sangat malas - jangan terlalu malas! Y------ so -az- –--on-t----so l--y! Y__ a__ s_ l___ – d____ b_ s_ l____ Y-u a-e s- l-z- – d-n-t b- s- l-z-! ----------------------------------- You are so lazy – don’t be so lazy! 0
Awak tidur terlalu lama - jangan tidur terlalu lama! You s--ep-for--o --n- – do-’t -l-ep so--ate! Y__ s____ f__ s_ l___ – d____ s____ s_ l____ Y-u s-e-p f-r s- l-n- – d-n-t s-e-p s- l-t-! -------------------------------------------- You sleep for so long – don’t sleep so late! 0
Awak tiba terlalu lambat - jangan tiba terlalu lambat! Yo--c-m--hom- -o-lat----don-t -o----om---- l---! Y__ c___ h___ s_ l___ – d____ c___ h___ s_ l____ Y-u c-m- h-m- s- l-t- – d-n-t c-m- h-m- s- l-t-! ------------------------------------------------ You come home so late – don’t come home so late! 0
Awak ketawa sangat kuat - jangan ketawa terlalu kuat! Y-u-l--gh ---lou--- –-don---l-u-h so --u-l-! Y__ l____ s_ l_____ – d____ l____ s_ l______ Y-u l-u-h s- l-u-l- – d-n-t l-u-h s- l-u-l-! -------------------------------------------- You laugh so loudly – don’t laugh so loudly! 0
Awak bercakap sangat perlahan - jangan bercakap terlalu perlahan! Y-u--p--k--- -of--y ---on’t-s---------o-t-y! Y__ s____ s_ s_____ – d____ s____ s_ s______ Y-u s-e-k s- s-f-l- – d-n-t s-e-k s- s-f-l-! -------------------------------------------- You speak so softly – don’t speak so softly! 0
Awak minum terlalu banyak - jangan minum terlalu banyak! Y-u -r-n---oo-m-c--- ----t -r--- s----c-! Y__ d____ t__ m___ – d____ d____ s_ m____ Y-u d-i-k t-o m-c- – d-n-t d-i-k s- m-c-! ----------------------------------------- You drink too much – don’t drink so much! 0
Awak merokok terlalu banyak - jangan merokok terlalu banyak! Y-- sm--e-t-o-m-ch------’t--m-k--so --ch! Y__ s____ t__ m___ – d____ s____ s_ m____ Y-u s-o-e t-o m-c- – d-n-t s-o-e s- m-c-! ----------------------------------------- You smoke too much – don’t smoke so much! 0
Awak bekerja terlalu banyak - jangan bekerja terlalu banyak! You work -o- -uch – do-’------ s--mu--! Y__ w___ t__ m___ – d____ w___ s_ m____ Y-u w-r- t-o m-c- – d-n-t w-r- s- m-c-! --------------------------------------- You work too much – don’t work so much! 0
Awak memandu terlalu laju - jangan memandu terlalu laju! You-d-i-- too -a---- do-’t -riv- -- ---t! Y__ d____ t__ f___ – d____ d____ s_ f____ Y-u d-i-e t-o f-s- – d-n-t d-i-e s- f-s-! ----------------------------------------- You drive too fast – don’t drive so fast! 0
Sila bangun, Encik Müller! Get---- -r----lle-! G__ u__ M__ M______ G-t u-, M-. M-l-e-! ------------------- Get up, Mr. Miller! 0
Sila duduk, Encik Müller! Si- --w-, --. M--le-! S__ d____ M__ M______ S-t d-w-, M-. M-l-e-! --------------------- Sit down, Mr. Miller! 0
Sila teruskan duduk, Encik Müller! R---in -e---d----. --ll-r! R_____ s______ M__ M______ R-m-i- s-a-e-, M-. M-l-e-! -------------------------- Remain seated, Mr. Miller! 0
Sila bersabar! Be --t-e--! B_ p_______ B- p-t-e-t- ----------- Be patient! 0
Ambil masa anda! Ta----ou- t---! T___ y___ t____ T-k- y-u- t-m-! --------------- Take your time! 0
Tunggu sebentar! W-i--a -ome-t! W___ a m______ W-i- a m-m-n-! -------------- Wait a moment! 0
Berhati-hati! Be c-r---l! B_ c_______ B- c-r-f-l- ----------- Be careful! 0
Tepati masa! Be-pu------! B_ p________ B- p-n-t-a-! ------------ Be punctual! 0
Jangan jadi bodoh! D--’t ---------! D____ b_ s______ D-n-t b- s-u-i-! ---------------- Don’t be stupid! 0


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