Ujian 40

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. Are you here on vacation?
ነው እዚህ ያሉት?   See hint
2. Thursday
3. I am eating toast.
እኔ የተጠበሰ ዳቦ እየበላው   See hint
4. Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)?
ቲያትር ቤት መሄድ ,   See hint
5. I need a single room.
ባለ አንድ አልጋ እፈልጋለው።   See hint
6. Do you also like to eat leek?
የባሮ ሽንኩርትም ይወዳሉ   See hint
7. Please turn right here.
እዚህ ጋር ወደ ቀኝ   See hint
8. Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?
መጸዳጃ ቤት የት ,   See hint
9. There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now.
አሁን የእግር ጨዋታ አለ።   See hint
10. I am doing an internship abroad.
አገር እየተለማመደኩኝ ነው።   See hint