Ujian 19

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. the mother
2. What time is it, please?
не падкажаце, колькі часу?   See hint
3. The sky is blue.
Неба ,   See hint
4. Are you frying the fish in this pan?
Ты смажыш на гэтай патэльні?   See hint
5. Do you see the tower there?
Ты там вежу?   See hint
6. We would like to have lunch.
Мы б паабедаць.   See hint
7. He walks.
Ён ідзе ,   See hint
8. Is there a discount for children?
Ці ёсць скідка дзяцей?   See hint
9. Can one rent a boat here?
Ці можна тут напракат лодку?   See hint
10. I actually plan to buy a roll of film.
Я збіраюся плёнку.   See hint