Ujian 25

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. the aunt
tia   See hint
2. It is five o’clock.
Són les ,   See hint
3. What colour / color (am.) is the sun? Yellow.
De quin és el sol? Groc.   See hint
4. Make yourself comfortable!
Posi’s   See hint
5. I like that bird.
M’agrada aquell ,   See hint
6. A fried egg?
Un fregit?   See hint
7. Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night?
Que és passejar a la nit?   See hint
8. I’m interested in art.
M’interessa l’art.   See hint
9. Can one rent water skis?
És possible motos d’aigua?   See hint
10. I want to buy a present.
Vull comprar regal.   See hint