Ujian 5

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sat Sep 28, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. the woman
dona   See hint
2. I count.
compto.   See hint
3. She works on the computer.
treballa amb un ordinador.   See hint
4. nineteen
5. How do I get to the city centre / center (am.)?
Com vaig centre de la ciutat?   See hint
6. Would you like that with rice?
acompanyament d’arròs?   See hint
7. How much does a ticket cost?
Quant costa bitllet?   See hint
8. I would like a guide who speaks German.
Voldria un que parli alemany.   See hint
9. Do you want to take a travel guide?
Et vols una guia de viatge?   See hint
10. fifty-three