Ujian 2

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sat Sep 28, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. both of us
berdua   See hint
2. The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice.
itu menyukai sari buah jeruk dan sari limau gedang.   See hint
3. Who washes the windows?
Siapa yang jendela?   See hint
4. I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.).
ingin ke pusat kota.   See hint
5. How do I get to the station?
Bagaimana cara ke stasiun kereta?   See hint
6. I’d like something without meat.
ingin sesuatu tanpa daging.   See hint
7. When does the tour begin?
Kapan dimulai?   See hint
8. Take the sun-glasses with you.
Bawalah hitam.   See hint
9. Where is the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department?
Di bagian perhiasan?   See hint
10. I need a ring and earrings.
Saya membutuhkan cincin dan anting.   See hint