Ujian 11

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. You are here.
여기 있어요.   See hint
2. Four. The fourth.
넷. ,   See hint
3. They like to listen to music.
그들은 음악 듣는 좋아해요.   See hint
4. Shall I rinse the lettuce?
제가 양상추를 ,   See hint
5. Here is my licence / license (am.).
제 운전면허증이 여기 ,   See hint
6. thirty-one
7. The next bus is in 15 minutes.
버스는 십오 분 후에 와요.   See hint
8. Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays?
전시회가 열어요?   See hint
9. You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper.
손수건과, 비누와, 손톱깍이가 필요해요.   See hint
10. We want to buy medicine.
우리는 사고 싶어요.   See hint