Ujian 29

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. three
2. It is nine o’clock.
아홉 ,   See hint
3. What colour / color (am.) is the grass? Green.
무슨 색이에요? 초록색.   See hint
4. I like classical music.
저는 클래식 좋아해요.   See hint
5. I like that garden.
좋아요.   See hint
6. Another glass of water, please.
한 잔 더 주세요.   See hint
7. Where can one park here?
여기 어디에 주차할 있어요?   See hint
8. The zoo is there.
동물원이 저기 ,   See hint
9. Where is the ski lift?
스키 어디 있어요?   See hint
10. The cashier is over there.
계산대가 저쪽에 ,   See hint