Ujian 60

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Thu Oct 03, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. We learn French.
우리는 불어를 ,   See hint
2. Today is Sunday.
오늘은 ,   See hint
3. It snows or rains in winter.
겨울에는 오거나 비가 와요.   See hint
4. It’s so hot!
너무   See hint
5. The room has no balcony.
발코니가 없어요.   See hint
6. When does the train arrive in Moscow?
기차가 언제 모스크바에 ,   See hint
7. Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?
기름통이 있나요?   See hint
8. When does the show begin?
언제 시작해요?   See hint
9. Where are the swimming goggles?
수경이 있어요?   See hint
10. Are you hungry?
고파요?   See hint