Ujian 21

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. the daughter
2. It is one o’clock.
Саат бир ,   See hint
3. The earth is brown.
- күрөң.   See hint
4. I am setting the table.
Мен үстөлдү жатамын.   See hint
5. Do you see the village there?
Тигил жактагы көрүп жатасыңбы?   See hint
6. What would you like for breakfast?
Эртең тамакка эмне каалайсыз?   See hint
7. He goes by boat.
Ал кайык менен ,   See hint
8. What building is that?
кандай имарат?   See hint
9. I would like to dive.
Мен сууга түшкүм ,   See hint
10. I’m looking for a jeweler to buy a ring.
Мен шакек алганга зергер издеп жатамын.   See hint