Ujian 34

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. Do you come from America?
Ar (atvykote / esate) iš Amerikos?   See hint
2. An hour has sixty minutes.
Valanda turi minučių.   See hint
3. I have a strawberry.
(Aš) braškę.   See hint
4. Do you have a dog?
Ar šunį?   See hint
5. I find that ugly.
Man bjauru.   See hint
6. What vegetables do you have?
Kokių turite?   See hint
7. Can one rent skis here?
Ar čia išsinuomoti slides?   See hint
8. Where are the lions?
Kur (yra) ,   See hint
9. I am a member of a sports club.
(Aš) lankau klubą.   See hint
10. We will soon receive our pension.
Netrukus (mes) pensiją.   See hint