Ujian 97

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. I write a book.
Pišem ,   See hint
2. I do not like champagne.
Ne penine.   See hint
3. I am hanging up the laundry.
Jaz obešam ,   See hint
4. I will pick you up at home.
Prišel bom na dom.   See hint
5. I’d like a glass of white wine.
Rad(a) bi belega vina.   See hint
6. Is that your luggage?
to vaša prtljaga?   See hint
7. Where can one buy flowers?
se lahko kupi cvetlice?   See hint
8. You need a big suitcase!
Potrebuješ velik   See hint
9. I need a doll and a teddy bear.
punčko in medvedka.   See hint
10. The legs are also athletic.
noge so močne.   See hint