Ujian 6

Masa yang dihabiskan untuk ujian::

Sat Sep 28, 2024


Klik pada satu perkataan
1. the child
ቆልዓ   See hint
2. You count.
ትቖጽር።   See hint
3. She is watching a film.
ሓደ ፊልም ትርኢ ኣላ።   See hint
4. Do you have a new kitchen?
ሓድሽ ኣለካ ድዩ?   See hint
5. I need a taxi.
ኣነ ታክሲ ኣሎ ።   See hint
6. Would you like that with pasta?
ፓስታ ዲኹም ደሊኹሞ?   See hint
7. How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?
ክንደይ ፌርማታታት ኢዮም ማእከል ከተማ ?   See hint
8. I would like a guide who speaks Italian.
ጣልያንኛ ዝኽእል መራሒ የድልየኒ ኣሎ-።   See hint
9. Do you want to take an umbrella?
ጽላል ናይ ዝናብ ክትማላእ ዲኻ?   See hint
10. We’re looking for a sports shop.
ስፖርት ዱኳን ንደሊ ኣሎና።   See hint