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59 [femtini]

På postkontoret

På postkontoret

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

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Hvor er nærmeste postkontor? Wher- -s the nearest-post-------? Where is the nearest post office? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t p-s- o-f-c-? --------------------------------- Where is the nearest post office? 0
Er det langt til nærmeste postkontor? I--t----o-t of-i---far----m ----? Is the post office far from here? I- t-e p-s- o-f-c- f-r f-o- h-r-? --------------------------------- Is the post office far from here? 0
Hvor er nærmeste postkasse? Wh-r- is-t-e -ear-st--ai- -ox? Where is the nearest mail box? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t m-i- b-x- ------------------------------ Where is the nearest mail box? 0
Jeg trenger et par frimerker. I---e- a c-------f-s-a-p-. I need a couple of stamps. I n-e- a c-u-l- o- s-a-p-. -------------------------- I need a couple of stamps. 0
Til et kort og et brev. F-------rd---- a-lett--. For a card and a letter. F-r a c-r- a-d a l-t-e-. ------------------------ For a card and a letter. 0
Hva koster portoen til Amerika? H-- -uch--s-the ----a-e -- --e-i--? How much is the postage to America? H-w m-c- i- t-e p-s-a-e t- A-e-i-a- ----------------------------------- How much is the postage to America? 0
Hvor tung er pakken? H-w-h--vy-i--the p-c-a-e? How heavy is the package? H-w h-a-y i- t-e p-c-a-e- ------------------------- How heavy is the package? 0
Kan jeg sende den per luftpost? Can I -en---- by---------? Can I send it by air mail? C-n I s-n- i- b- a-r m-i-? -------------------------- Can I send it by air mail? 0
Hvor lenge tar det til det kommer? Ho- --n-------i- take--- --- th---? How long will it take to get there? H-w l-n- w-l- i- t-k- t- g-t t-e-e- ----------------------------------- How long will it take to get there? 0
Hvor kan jeg telefonere? Wh-re-----I m--e----a--? Where can I make a call? W-e-e c-n I m-k- a c-l-? ------------------------ Where can I make a call? 0
Hvor er nærmeste telefonkiosk? W-e---is t---n--r--t t--e-hone b--th? Where is the nearest telephone booth? W-e-e i- t-e n-a-e-t t-l-p-o-e b-o-h- ------------------------------------- Where is the nearest telephone booth? 0
Har du telefonkort? Do y---h-ve -all-n-----ds? Do you have calling cards? D- y-u h-v- c-l-i-g c-r-s- -------------------------- Do you have calling cards? 0
Har du telefonkatalog? Do--ou -av--a t-lepho-- -i-ec--ry? Do you have a telephone directory? D- y-u h-v- a t-l-p-o-e d-r-c-o-y- ---------------------------------- Do you have a telephone directory? 0
Vet du landskoden til Østerrike? D- --u kn-w-th- are-----e-fo- ----ria? Do you know the area code for Austria? D- y-u k-o- t-e a-e- c-d- f-r A-s-r-a- -------------------------------------- Do you know the area code for Austria? 0
Et øyeblikk, jeg skal sjekke. O-- -om-nt- -’-- l-o- -t up. One moment, I’ll look it up. O-e m-m-n-, I-l- l-o- i- u-. ---------------------------- One moment, I’ll look it up. 0
Linjen er alltid opptatt. T-e lin- -----w-ys b-s-. The line is always busy. T-e l-n- i- a-w-y- b-s-. ------------------------ The line is always busy. 0
Hvilket nummer har du ringt? W--c----m-er-d----ou d---? Which number did you dial? W-i-h n-m-e- d-d y-u d-a-? -------------------------- Which number did you dial? 0
Du må taste null først! Y-- hav- to dia--- -e----irs-! You have to dial a zero first! Y-u h-v- t- d-a- a z-r- f-r-t- ------------------------------ You have to dial a zero first! 0


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