
no Nektelse 2   »   en Negation 2

65 [sekstifem]

Nektelse 2

Nektelse 2

65 [sixty-five]

Negation 2

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norsk engelsk (UK) Spill Mer
Er den ringen dyr? I--th- ---g ---e--ive? Is the ring expensive? I- t-e r-n- e-p-n-i-e- ---------------------- Is the ring expensive? 0
Nei, den koster bare hundre euro. No,-i- --sts-on-y -ne-h----ed -----. No, it costs only one hundred Euros. N-, i- c-s-s o-l- o-e h-n-r-d E-r-s- ------------------------------------ No, it costs only one hundred Euros. 0
Men jeg har bare femti. Bu--- -ave---l- fifty. But I have only fifty. B-t I h-v- o-l- f-f-y- ---------------------- But I have only fifty. 0
Er du ferdig alt? Are--o- -i----e-? Are you finished? A-e y-u f-n-s-e-? ----------------- Are you finished? 0
Nei, ikke enda. No, no--y--. No, not yet. N-, n-t y-t- ------------ No, not yet. 0
Men jeg er snart ferdig. B-t-I--l--e--in-shed----n. But I’ll be finished soon. B-t I-l- b- f-n-s-e- s-o-. -------------------------- But I’ll be finished soon. 0
Vil du ha mer suppe? D- y-- -a-t so------------? Do you want some more soup? D- y-u w-n- s-m- m-r- s-u-? --------------------------- Do you want some more soup? 0
Nei takk, jeg vil ikke ha mer. No-----on-t---n- an-----. No, I don’t want anymore. N-, I d-n-t w-n- a-y-o-e- ------------------------- No, I don’t want anymore. 0
Men jeg vil ha mer is. B-- a-o--er---e----a-. But another ice cream. B-t a-o-h-r i-e c-e-m- ---------------------- But another ice cream. 0
Har du bodd her lenge? Ha-e you -i-e-----e---n-? Have you lived here long? H-v- y-u l-v-d h-r- l-n-? ------------------------- Have you lived here long? 0
Nei, bare en måned. No--o--y-for-a--o---. No, only for a month. N-, o-l- f-r a m-n-h- --------------------- No, only for a month. 0
Men jeg kjenner mange folk allerede. B-t ---l-ead--kno--a -ot-o---e-p-e. But I already know a lot of people. B-t I a-r-a-y k-o- a l-t o- p-o-l-. ----------------------------------- But I already know a lot of people. 0
Kjører du hjem i morgen? A-e---u-d---i-g hom--t-mo--o-? Are you driving home tomorrow? A-e y-u d-i-i-g h-m- t-m-r-o-? ------------------------------ Are you driving home tomorrow? 0
Nei, ikke før i helga. No--o-ly--- t-e--eeke-d. No, only on the weekend. N-, o-l- o- t-e w-e-e-d- ------------------------ No, only on the weekend. 0
Men jeg kommer tilbake allerede på søndagen. Bu--I----l-be-b-c- o- -u----. But I will be back on Sunday. B-t I w-l- b- b-c- o- S-n-a-. ----------------------------- But I will be back on Sunday. 0
Er dattera di allerede voksen? I- -our-dau-h-er--- ad-lt? Is your daughter an adult? I- y-u- d-u-h-e- a- a-u-t- -------------------------- Is your daughter an adult? 0
Nei, hun er bare sytten. N---she--- -nly se-en-ee-. No, she is only seventeen. N-, s-e i- o-l- s-v-n-e-n- -------------------------- No, she is only seventeen. 0
Men hun har allerede en kjæreste. But-s-e-al--ad----s - boyf-ien-. But she already has a boyfriend. B-t s-e a-r-a-y h-s a b-y-r-e-d- -------------------------------- But she already has a boyfriend. 0


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