
no Fortid 1   »   em Past tense 1

81 [åttien]

Fortid 1

Fortid 1

81 [eighty-one]

Past tense 1

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norsk engelsk (US) Spill Mer
skrive t---ri-e t_ w____ t- w-i-e -------- to write 0
Han skrev et brev. He -r------l-t-er. H_ w____ a l______ H- w-o-e a l-t-e-. ------------------ He wrote a letter. 0
Og hun skrev et kort. An---h- --ot- a----d. A__ s__ w____ a c____ A-d s-e w-o-e a c-r-. --------------------- And she wrote a card. 0
lese to-r-ad t_ r___ t- r-a- ------- to read 0
Jeg leste et magasin. H-----d a -a--z-n-. H_ r___ a m________ H- r-a- a m-g-z-n-. ------------------- He read a magazine. 0
Og hun leste ei bok. And-s-e r-ad a b-o-. A__ s__ r___ a b____ A-d s-e r-a- a b-o-. -------------------- And she read a book. 0
ta to -ake t_ t___ t- t-k- ------- to take 0
Han tok en sigarett. He----- - --g-r---e. H_ t___ a c_________ H- t-o- a c-g-r-t-e- -------------------- He took a cigarette. 0
Hun tok et stykke sjokolade. S-e -ook - p--------c--c--ate. S__ t___ a p____ o_ c_________ S-e t-o- a p-e-e o- c-o-o-a-e- ------------------------------ She took a piece of chocolate. 0
Han var utro, men hun var trofast. H- -a--d-----al--b----he--a- loy-l. H_ w__ d________ b__ s__ w__ l_____ H- w-s d-s-o-a-, b-t s-e w-s l-y-l- ----------------------------------- He was disloyal, but she was loyal. 0
Han var lat, men hun var flittig. H--w-s-l--y, -ut-s-e-----h-r---ork-n-. H_ w__ l____ b__ s__ w__ h____________ H- w-s l-z-, b-t s-e w-s h-r---o-k-n-. -------------------------------------- He was lazy, but she was hard-working. 0
Han var fattig, men hun var rik. H- w-----or---ut-------s ri-h. H_ w__ p____ b__ s__ w__ r____ H- w-s p-o-, b-t s-e w-s r-c-. ------------------------------ He was poor, but she was rich. 0
Han hadde ingen penger, men gjeld. H- --- no -on------ly -e--s. H_ h__ n_ m_____ o___ d_____ H- h-d n- m-n-y- o-l- d-b-s- ---------------------------- He had no money, only debts. 0
Han hadde ikke flaks, men uflaks. H--h-d -o----k,-on-y bad -uck. H_ h__ n_ l____ o___ b__ l____ H- h-d n- l-c-, o-l- b-d l-c-. ------------------------------ He had no luck, only bad luck. 0
Han lyktes ikke, men han mislyktes. He--ad-n- suc-e-s, -nl- fa-l-r-. H_ h__ n_ s_______ o___ f_______ H- h-d n- s-c-e-s- o-l- f-i-u-e- -------------------------------- He had no success, only failure. 0
Han var ikke fornøyd, men misfornøyd. H--was -o- sa-i-fi-d--b-----s----sfied. H_ w__ n__ s_________ b__ d____________ H- w-s n-t s-t-s-i-d- b-t d-s-a-i-f-e-. --------------------------------------- He was not satisfied, but dissatisfied. 0
Han var ikke lykkelig, men ulykkelig. He-w-- --- hap--,-bu- --d. H_ w__ n__ h_____ b__ s___ H- w-s n-t h-p-y- b-t s-d- -------------------------- He was not happy, but sad. 0
Han var ikke sympatisk, men usympatisk. He-wa---o- -r--n---, --t---fri--d-y. H_ w__ n__ f________ b__ u__________ H- w-s n-t f-i-n-l-, b-t u-f-i-n-l-. ------------------------------------ He was not friendly, but unfriendly. 0


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