
no Fortid av modalverb 2   »   en Past tense of modal verbs 2

88 [åttiåtte]

Fortid av modalverb 2

Fortid av modalverb 2

88 [eighty-eight]

Past tense of modal verbs 2

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Sønnen min ville ikke leke med dukka. M---on-did -ot -a-t t---l-- w-th-t-e --l-. M_ s__ d__ n__ w___ t_ p___ w___ t__ d____ M- s-n d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- w-t- t-e d-l-. ------------------------------------------ My son did not want to play with the doll. 0
Dattera mi ville ikke spille fotball. My d---hte- di--n---w-nt -o---ay-f-o----- / s--cer (a-.). M_ d_______ d__ n__ w___ t_ p___ f_______ / s_____ (_____ M- d-u-h-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- f-o-b-l- / s-c-e- (-m-)- --------------------------------------------------------- My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.). 0
Kona mi ville ikke spille sjakk med meg. M- -i-e -id n-t---nt-t---lay ch-ss wit--me. M_ w___ d__ n__ w___ t_ p___ c____ w___ m__ M- w-f- d-d n-t w-n- t- p-a- c-e-s w-t- m-. ------------------------------------------- My wife did not want to play chess with me. 0
Barna mine ville ikke gå tur. M- ch-----n d-d not-want t- -o--o- -----k. M_ c_______ d__ n__ w___ t_ g_ f__ a w____ M- c-i-d-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- g- f-r a w-l-. ------------------------------------------ My children did not want to go for a walk. 0
De ville ikke rydde på rommet sitt. T-ey -id no-----t -o t--y th---oom. T___ d__ n__ w___ t_ t___ t__ r____ T-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- t-d- t-e r-o-. ----------------------------------- They did not want to tidy the room. 0
De ville ikke legge seg. T-ey--id--ot ---t t--go t- --d. T___ d__ n__ w___ t_ g_ t_ b___ T-e- d-d n-t w-n- t- g- t- b-d- ------------------------------- They did not want to go to bed. 0
Han fikk ikke lov til å spise is. He was-----a--o----to-ea---c--c----. H_ w__ n__ a______ t_ e__ i__ c_____ H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t i-e c-e-m- ------------------------------------ He was not allowed to eat ice cream. 0
Han fikk ikke lov til å spise sjokolade. He-was---t a-l--ed-to--at-c-o--la--. H_ w__ n__ a______ t_ e__ c_________ H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t c-o-o-a-e- ------------------------------------ He was not allowed to eat chocolate. 0
Han fikk ikke lov til å spise drops. H- was--ot-all-we- t- -at-s-ee--. H_ w__ n__ a______ t_ e__ s______ H- w-s n-t a-l-w-d t- e-t s-e-t-. --------------------------------- He was not allowed to eat sweets. 0
Jeg fikk lov til å ønske meg noe. I -a----l-w-d t----k- a--i-h. I w__ a______ t_ m___ a w____ I w-s a-l-w-d t- m-k- a w-s-. ----------------------------- I was allowed to make a wish. 0
Jeg fikk lov til å kjøpe meg en kjole. I ----allo--- -o buy -ys--- - --es-. I w__ a______ t_ b__ m_____ a d_____ I w-s a-l-w-d t- b-y m-s-l- a d-e-s- ------------------------------------ I was allowed to buy myself a dress. 0
Jeg fikk lov til å ta en sjokolade. I-was-al-------- tak--a-c-ocola--. I w__ a______ t_ t___ a c_________ I w-s a-l-w-d t- t-k- a c-o-o-a-e- ---------------------------------- I was allowed to take a chocolate. 0
Fikk du røyke på flyet? W--e y-u ---o-e--to --o---in---e --r---n-? W___ y__ a______ t_ s____ i_ t__ a________ W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- s-o-e i- t-e a-r-l-n-? ------------------------------------------ Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane? 0
Fikk du drikke øl på sykehuset? W-r---o--a--owe- ---d-in- be----n--he ---p---l? W___ y__ a______ t_ d____ b___ i_ t__ h________ W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- d-i-k b-e- i- t-e h-s-i-a-? ----------------------------------------------- Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? 0
Fikk du ta med hunden på hotellet? Wer- --u----owe- to----e--he --g i-to-the -----? W___ y__ a______ t_ t___ t__ d__ i___ t__ h_____ W-r- y-u a-l-w-d t- t-k- t-e d-g i-t- t-e h-t-l- ------------------------------------------------ Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? 0
I ferien fikk barna lov til å være ute lenge. Du--n--t-e holida---t-e --ildren-w--- ---owed to r--ain-o-tsi-- l---. D_____ t__ h_______ t__ c_______ w___ a______ t_ r_____ o______ l____ D-r-n- t-e h-l-d-y- t-e c-i-d-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- r-m-i- o-t-i-e l-t-. --------------------------------------------------------------------- During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. 0
De fikk leke i hagen / på tunet lenge. T--y--e----l---e- -o-pl---i- -he---r- -o- --lo-g t-me. T___ w___ a______ t_ p___ i_ t__ y___ f__ a l___ t____ T-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- p-a- i- t-e y-r- f-r a l-n- t-m-. ------------------------------------------------------ They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. 0
De fikk være oppe lenge. T-e--we-e -ll-w------s-ay -- l-te. T___ w___ a______ t_ s___ u_ l____ T-e- w-r- a-l-w-d t- s-a- u- l-t-. ---------------------------------- They were allowed to stay up late. 0


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