
no Bisetninger med at 2   »   em Subordinate clauses: that 2

92 [nittito]

Bisetninger med at 2

Bisetninger med at 2

92 [ninety-two]

Subordinate clauses: that 2

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norsk engelsk (US) Spill Mer
Det irriterer meg at du snorker. I-m--ngry-t-at --u -n---. I__ a____ t___ y__ s_____ I-m a-g-y t-a- y-u s-o-e- ------------------------- I’m angry that you snore. 0
Det irriterer meg at du drikker så mye øl. I---angr- -h-- ----drink--o ---h--eer. I__ a____ t___ y__ d____ s_ m___ b____ I-m a-g-y t-a- y-u d-i-k s- m-c- b-e-. -------------------------------------- I’m angry that you drink so much beer. 0
Det irriterer meg at du kommer så sent. I’- --gr- th-- ----c--- so-late. I__ a____ t___ y__ c___ s_ l____ I-m a-g-y t-a- y-u c-m- s- l-t-. -------------------------------- I’m angry that you come so late. 0
Jeg tror (at) han trenger en lege. I--h-n--he -e--s---do--o-. I t____ h_ n____ a d______ I t-i-k h- n-e-s a d-c-o-. -------------------------- I think he needs a doctor. 0
Jeg tror (at) han er syk. I t-i---he -s -ll. I t____ h_ i_ i___ I t-i-k h- i- i-l- ------------------ I think he is ill. 0
Jeg tror (at) han sover nå. I-think--- -s sleepi---n--. I t____ h_ i_ s_______ n___ I t-i-k h- i- s-e-p-n- n-w- --------------------------- I think he is sleeping now. 0
Vi håper (at) han vil gifte seg med dattera vår. We-ho-- -h-- -e -ar-ies-o-----u---e-. W_ h___ t___ h_ m______ o__ d________ W- h-p- t-a- h- m-r-i-s o-r d-u-h-e-. ------------------------------------- We hope that he marries our daughter. 0
Vi håper (at) han har mye penger. W--h-pe-t-at-he-ha--a -o---- m-ney. W_ h___ t___ h_ h__ a l__ o_ m_____ W- h-p- t-a- h- h-s a l-t o- m-n-y- ----------------------------------- We hope that he has a lot of money. 0
Vi håper (at) han er millionær. W---o-e--h-t -e ---- mi-liona--e. W_ h___ t___ h_ i_ a m___________ W- h-p- t-a- h- i- a m-l-i-n-i-e- --------------------------------- We hope that he is a millionaire. 0
Jeg har hørt at kona di hadde en ulykke. I--e------at -ou- -----h-d a- a--ide-t. I h____ t___ y___ w___ h__ a_ a________ I h-a-d t-a- y-u- w-f- h-d a- a-c-d-n-. --------------------------------------- I heard that your wife had an accident. 0
Jeg har hørt at hun ligger på sykehuset. I---a-d ---t s-e -s in -he---sp--a-. I h____ t___ s__ i_ i_ t__ h________ I h-a-d t-a- s-e i- i- t-e h-s-i-a-. ------------------------------------ I heard that she is in the hospital. 0
Jeg har hørt at bilen din er totalt ødelagt. I -ea-d-t-a----ur------- com-le-el- -r-----. I h____ t___ y___ c__ i_ c_________ w_______ I h-a-d t-a- y-u- c-r i- c-m-l-t-l- w-e-k-d- -------------------------------------------- I heard that your car is completely wrecked. 0
Jeg er glad for at du kom. I’- -appy-th----o- --m-. I__ h____ t___ y__ c____ I-m h-p-y t-a- y-u c-m-. ------------------------ I’m happy that you came. 0
Det gleder meg at du er interessert. I’m-h-p---t--t you --- -n----s---. I__ h____ t___ y__ a__ i__________ I-m h-p-y t-a- y-u a-e i-t-r-s-e-. ---------------------------------- I’m happy that you are interested. 0
Det gleder meg at du vil kjøpe huset. I-m-happ- t--t you-wan--to---- ----hous-. I__ h____ t___ y__ w___ t_ b__ t__ h_____ I-m h-p-y t-a- y-u w-n- t- b-y t-e h-u-e- ----------------------------------------- I’m happy that you want to buy the house. 0
Jeg er redd for at den siste bussen har gått. I-m --r-i- --- la-t bu- h-s-alr-ady ---e. I__ a_____ t__ l___ b__ h__ a______ g____ I-m a-r-i- t-e l-s- b-s h-s a-r-a-y g-n-. ----------------------------------------- I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. 0
Jeg er redd for at vi må ta en drosje. I---afra-- -- wi------- to--a-e-- taxi. I__ a_____ w_ w___ h___ t_ t___ a t____ I-m a-r-i- w- w-l- h-v- t- t-k- a t-x-. --------------------------------------- I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. 0
Jeg er redd for at jeg ikke har penger med meg. I-m --raid---h--- n------ mo-e-. I__ a_____ I h___ n_ m___ m_____ I-m a-r-i- I h-v- n- m-r- m-n-y- -------------------------------- I’m afraid I have no more money. 0


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