
no Konjunksjoner 4   »   em Conjunctions

97 [nittisju / syv og nitti]

Konjunksjoner 4

Konjunksjoner 4

97 [ninety-seven]


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norsk engelsk (US) Spill Mer
Han sovnet, selv om TVen sto på. He f-ll-a---ep--lt-o----the-T--w-- o-. He fell asleep although the TV was on. H- f-l- a-l-e- a-t-o-g- t-e T- w-s o-. -------------------------------------- He fell asleep although the TV was on. 0
Han ble, selv om det var sent. He --ay-d-a-w-i---alt-------- -as --t-. He stayed a while although it was late. H- s-a-e- a w-i-e a-t-o-g- i- w-s l-t-. --------------------------------------- He stayed a while although it was late. 0
Han kom ikke, selv om vi hadde avtale. H- did-’t -----a----ug--w- h-- mad- a- ap-o-n-men-. He didn’t come although we had made an appointment. H- d-d-’- c-m- a-t-o-g- w- h-d m-d- a- a-p-i-t-e-t- --------------------------------------------------- He didn’t come although we had made an appointment. 0
TVen sto på, men likevel sovnet han. Th---V-wa- -n. Ne---th-le--,-h- --ll -sl-e-. The TV was on. Nevertheless, he fell asleep. T-e T- w-s o-. N-v-r-h-l-s-, h- f-l- a-l-e-. -------------------------------------------- The TV was on. Nevertheless, he fell asleep. 0
Det var sent, men likevel ble han. It was---r-ady late.-Ne-e-------s- -- --a--d-a wh---. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. I- w-s a-r-a-y l-t-. N-v-r-h-l-s-, h- s-a-e- a w-i-e- ----------------------------------------------------- It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. 0
Vi hadde en avtale. Likevel kom han ikke. W--h-----de a- a--oin-m---.--e-erthe---s,-he -i-n-- c---. We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he didn’t come. W- h-d m-d- a- a-p-i-t-e-t- N-v-r-h-l-s-, h- d-d-’- c-m-. --------------------------------------------------------- We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he didn’t come. 0
Han kjører bil selv om han ikke har førerkort. Alt-o--- -- ha--no-l---n-e, h- ---ves -h----r. Although he has no license, he drives the car. A-t-o-g- h- h-s n- l-c-n-e- h- d-i-e- t-e c-r- ---------------------------------------------- Although he has no license, he drives the car. 0
Selv om veien er glatt kjører han fort. Al---u-h the -o-d--s s---p--y,--e----ve--s- -ast. Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast. A-t-o-g- t-e r-a- i- s-i-p-r-, h- d-i-e- s- f-s-. ------------------------------------------------- Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast. 0
Han sykler selv om han er full. Alth--g- he i- drun-- he--i-es his---cyc-e. Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. A-t-o-g- h- i- d-u-k- h- r-d-s h-s b-c-c-e- ------------------------------------------- Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. 0
Han har ikke førerkort. Likevel kjører han bil. Des--te -a-ing--- l-c-nc--/---c-----(-m.-, -e dr---s -h- car. Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives the car. D-s-i-e h-v-n- n- l-c-n-e / l-c-n-e (-m-)- h- d-i-e- t-e c-r- ------------------------------------------------------------- Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives the car. 0
Veien er glatt. Likevel kjører han så fort. De------the----- -e-n- -l-p-er-- he -r-------s-. Despite the road being slippery, he drives fast. D-s-i-e t-e r-a- b-i-g s-i-p-r-, h- d-i-e- f-s-. ------------------------------------------------ Despite the road being slippery, he drives fast. 0
Han er full. Likevel sykler han. D-sp--- -e--g --unk- -e ri-es-t-- bike. Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. D-s-i-e b-i-g d-u-k- h- r-d-s t-e b-k-. --------------------------------------- Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. 0
Hun finner ingen stilling selv om hun har studert. A-thou-- -h---e-- ---coll-ge, -he -an’t--in--- --b. Although she went to college, she can’t find a job. A-t-o-g- s-e w-n- t- c-l-e-e- s-e c-n-t f-n- a j-b- --------------------------------------------------- Although she went to college, she can’t find a job. 0
Hun går ikke til legen selv om hun har smerter. A-thou-- -he--- i- --i-, --e-doe--’- -o to t-e------r. Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. A-t-o-g- s-e i- i- p-i-, s-e d-e-n-t g- t- t-e d-c-o-. ------------------------------------------------------ Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. 0
Hun kjøper bil selv om hun ikke har penger. A--h-u-----e--a---o-mo---- s-e b-ys - c--. Although she has no money, she buys a car. A-t-o-g- s-e h-s n- m-n-y- s-e b-y- a c-r- ------------------------------------------ Although she has no money, she buys a car. 0
Hun har studert. Likevel finner hun ingen stilling. S-e w--t to-col---e--Ne-e-t--le--, -h---an’- f-nd a-j-b. She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. S-e w-n- t- c-l-e-e- N-v-r-h-l-s-, s-e c-n-t f-n- a j-b- -------------------------------------------------------- She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. 0
Hun har smerter. Likevel går hun ikke til legen. Sh---- in p---- --ver-h-less----e --es-’- -o to--he doct--. She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. S-e i- i- p-i-. N-v-r-h-l-s-, s-e d-e-n-t g- t- t-e d-c-o-. ----------------------------------------------------------- She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. 0
Hun har ingen penger. Likevel kjøper hun bil. S-e-h-- -o m--e-. -e--r--e--ss, she--u---a-c-r. She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. S-e h-s n- m-n-y- N-v-r-h-l-s-, s-e b-y- a c-r- ----------------------------------------------- She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. 0


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