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ps سمت   »   en Where is ... ?

41 [ یوڅلويښت ]



41 [forty-one]

Where is ... ?

غوره کړئ چې تاسو څنګه غواړئ ژباړه وګورئ:   
Pashto English (UK) لوبه وکړئ نور
د سیاحت دفتر چیرته دی؟ Where is the tourist information office? Where is the tourist information office? 1
ایا تاسو زما لپاره د ښار نقشه لرئ؟ Do you have a city map for me? Do you have a city map for me? 1
ایا زه دلته د هوټل خونه ساتلی شم؟ Can one reserve a room here? Can one reserve a room here? 1
زوړ ښار چیرته دی؟ Where is the old city? Where is the old city? 1
کلیسا چیرته ده؟ Where is the cathedral? Where is the cathedral? 1
موزیم چیرته دی؟ Where is the museum? Where is the museum? 1
زه چیرته د ټیکټ واخلم؟ Where can one buy stamps? Where can one buy stamps? 1
ګلونه چیرې پلورل کیږی Where can one buy flowers? Where can one buy flowers? 1
ټکټونه چیرته اخیستل کیدی شي؟ Where can one buy tickets? Where can one buy tickets? 1
بندر ګاه چیرته دی؟ Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? 1
مارکیټ چیرې ده؟ Where is the market? Where is the market? 1
محل چیرته دی؟ Where is the castle? Where is the castle? 1
سفر کله پیل کیږي؟ When does the tour begin? When does the tour begin? 1
سفر کله پای ته رسیږي؟ When does the tour end? When does the tour end? 1
سفر څومره وخت دوام کوي؟ How long is the tour? How long is the tour? 1
زه یو گائیڈ غواړم چې په جرمني خبرې وکړي. I would like a guide who speaks German. I would like a guide who speaks German. 1
زه یو گائیڈ غواړم چې ایټالوی خبرې وکړي. I would like a guide who speaks Italian. I would like a guide who speaks Italian. 1
زه یو گائیڈ غواړم چې فرانسوي خبرې وکړي. I would like a guide who speaks French. I would like a guide who speaks French. 1


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